Wella a Pin-Up

In my last blog I promised some crafty gorgeousness, I had all intentions of revealing all to you over the weekend, but alas Saturday morning the whole family woke up feeling terribly ill. Mr C had already been sick for a few days, but by Saturday we were all feeling the ill effect of a terrible cough and cold. So our Saturday became a all curled up on the couch movie Saturday with the Playlist including “Narnia” and some good old “Harry Potter”. Sunday morning did not bring better news and most of Sunday morning was spent sitting in a doctors waiting room looking out at the beautiful blue skies we were all missing out on, feeling sorry for ourselves. The Doctor sent us all home with antibiotics and orders to rest, but as you parents out there know rest with a sick family is never easy. Mr C being the least sick of all (already having his major sick days) has been doing an excellent job of taking care of all of us.

Now before the weekend of coughs and chills I promised the aforementioned crafty gorgeousness and fortuantley before my body and brain turned to mush I finished my 2nd Pin up Girl . . .

This pin up involved using satin stitch, which I had a little trouble with and finally decided the outlined satin stitich was for me and by the 2nd shoe I think I had it down pat.

I wanted to add my own little touch so I decided on a naughty little cherry tattoo on the hip,

I decided on black hair for this one but she needed some highlights so i added some blond through out

Very sexy legs

I think she is one sexy lady, she’ll look lovely with my fan girl on the wall.

Well we are all slowly on the mend here, B is home from school today resting on the couch with more movies, I’m slowly catching up on the house work of a family of 5 and amongst all of our yucky sicky weekend I did manage to crochet up 1 bunting for the bunting swap.

Chat soon



Filed under Embroidery

3 responses to “Wella a Pin-Up

  1. Your embroidery is very neat, it would definitely not be my strong point, I think your new pin-up will look lovely with the fan dancer. Sorry you have not been feeling well, it’s horrible when the whole family is poorly, especially when you have to look after everyone else and you’re feeling sick too. Well done on your first bunting too. I am planning on sewing mine, although I am trying to come up with a Faith touch on it…..we’ll see!

  2. She’s very pretty. 🙂

    Hope your family feels better soon.

  3. Such a lovely work. I also like to do embroidery but I am not that good.

your lovely thoughts are much loved xx