Stitching with Mum.

I have been so excited to share this post with you, but now I sit in front of the Computer I am not sure how to start. I will just jump straight in there. I am opening my heart up to you. Recently my mother passed away, she was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease around June of 2010 she passed away in March of this year, it was a terrible time for all  of my family and her close friends, especially those wonderful people who had helped care for her.

I miss mum all the time, every day I think of something I wish I had of asked her, but what I really miss is that she did not get to grow old wonderfully and enjoy her family for longer and we did not get to enjoy her for longer.

Being crafty I constantly come across women who craft with their mums and I think how lucky they are to still have that very special bond. I remember as a little girl going to craft group with my mum, and now I am a mum I go to craft group. She thought it was great that I taught myself to crochet unfortunately by the time I did this her body was already giving out on her and we could not craft together. I feel a deep regret that I missed this special bond with my mum but I know that she was amazed and ever so proud of the creations I was creating. Before she passed she gave me all of her crafting and sewing bits and bobs, and in a beautiful Alice in Wonderland tin I found this . . .

An unfinished Cross Stitch by mum. Until than I had not thought of doing a cross stitch like this before and it is probably not a design I would choose for myself. I remember my mum starting this work, it was many years ago when I was a little girl, she must have put it aside and forgotten all about it. I couldn’t resist I had to finish it, It would be a project we did together; I would finish her work for her. I couldn’t stop myself stitching, it was so much fun. Every time I looked at it I thought of my mum and it made me feel all warm inside like she was stitching along with me. It has been very therapeutic to be able to do this with my mum and it is now a piece of work I will treasure forever. I plan on getting this framed and it will take pride of place in my Kitchen. I love you Mum. xx


Filed under Cross Stitch

3 responses to “Stitching with Mum.

  1. Pingback: Crafters Delight | beberouge

  2. Pingback: A romantic night away | beberouge

  3. Pingback: Busy Busy, painting and stitching | beberouge

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