Tag Archives: beekeepers quilt

Season Return Ep1 of The One a Day – Finally

You may have noticed there has been a obvious lack of hexipuffs on this little blog of late and I have to say I have not really been knitting very many at all. In fact it was way back in may over here I even showed you a hexipuff at all and I have not counted or done a tally since Episode 23, where I was way behind my deadline.

So lets recap

I started knitting this project on September 20th 2011 my plan was to finish this by September 27th 2012

At the end of last season we were up to 139 Hexipuffs  and was way behind schedule on our grand plan.

The puffs had been on lots of adventures but the knitting was lagging behind.

Fast forward to Season 2

I have knitted 200 hexipuffs, I’m now over half way of my goal but far behind the deadline and I now believe I am going to have to admit defeat. There is just no way in a blue moon I will knit 183 puffs in 79 days. But hey you never know I might just get a massive buzz and go on a hexipuff binge. But let’s not hold our breath. Though I’m not prepared to calculate a new finish date yet. I just can’t face.

So since March 14th I have knitted 61 puffs its been 118 days

that’s far from one a day but

As Gingerbread girl has restarted the One A Day

I may just reclaim the motivation to complete this blanket some time soonish

Love to all





Filed under knitting

A Beautiful Winter

It is a miserable day here, dark and gloomy but I am feeling far from gloomy. Normally I am a summer person all the way I love the sun and look forward to it all year but this year I have wholeheartedly embraced the winter spirit, I’m loving that the days are getting shorter the sun is setting sooner and the cuddling on the couch can commence early. Even Mr C has been amazed at my winter mood which is normally quiet blue but seems to have retained much of the summer warmth about it.

I’m just finding so many wonderful thing about winter (yes I know we are not quiet in winter yet) this year new gumboots with little hearts on them made my heart almost leap out of my chest when spotted in the shop.

and of course they just had to come home with me.

I also have so many wip on the go right now, I’m never bored and I’m loving everyone though of course the hexipuffs do seem to get more neglected then all the rest

but this April I declared puff month and went on a mammoth puff and got quiet a lot done

and of course the crochet that is bringing me so much joy in winter is a little project I’m working on in colours I don’t normally go for but are making me excited every moment I hook a new square and make a new colour combination

And of course like most of my projects these little squares started off as something little and then I realised how small that blanket would be so has gone from ‘I’ll need 10 of each colour to I’ll need 25 of each colour’ but I’m loving it and they are so simple to work up I get 10 a day done no worries.

And lastly the sunshine in my little world at the moment is a little blanket I have been requested to make after a kind lady saw the last blanket I made

it’s another rainbow ripple baby blanket this one will be the miracle rainbow ripple as it is for a little miracle baby. 🙂

Hope you’re all loving winter as much as me



Filed under Crochet, knitting

One a Day – Episode 23

Oh I’m so embarrassed it has been far too long and yet you lovely readers have still been visiting my little world. Thank you so much.

It has been a busy no scrap that hectic time. The days just seem to be flying by in a whirl of crafting, decorating, playing mummy and making home. But all of this was interrupted the last week with a little trip to the hospital that turned into a long stay.

You see part of the reason for my absence has been a persistent pain in my tummy which has made me exhausted, cranky and left me with a complete lack of motivation to do anything. I have to admit even my beloved crochet and knitting has been neglected over the last couple of weeks.

But I’m glad to report that I’m all better after a few days in hospital, where they made me fast for so long, I feel much better and it was so nice to finally get a reason for my pain and have it all fixed up and made better.

I have been trying to get back to hexipuffing too and have tried to always have one on the needles at all times.

I now have a total of 139 hexipuffs

and I need make 254

in 197 days

Oops I seem to have fallen another week behind. I am really struggling to hexipuff lately. I still like making them I even made Mr C admire how perfect one was the other day. He was rather amused and agreed it was very lovely, but I’m not getting that giddy with excitement feeling. I guess part of that is that I’m not joining them together as I go, purely because I want to be able to play with 383 hexipuffs before I put them altogether, but I’m left with just a big box of hexipuffs – no blanket in progress and it’s leaving me a little empty and with that need to make a blanket feeling. But I’m already doing such a big project can I start another huge project too?

Even though I’m falling even more behind I’m well on my way to having a

truck load of hexipuffs.

Nigh Nigh



Filed under knitting

One a day – Episode 22

I actually managed to make 7 hexipuffs this week and finish off this book above for My bookclub on Goodreads “Bookclub Bitches” xcuse my language :).

Now this book has had rave reviews and was even a finalist for a National Book Award, but I just didn’t get it. I mean I understood it but I just couldn’t put faces to the characters I felt they were all very one dimensional and the fables that ran through the background while being intriguing resulted in me being disappointed by the end without giving away anything.

But hexipuffs we shall talk

With the 7 made this week I have a total of 121

I still need to make 263

in 212 days so as you can see I have done no catch up knitting and am still far behind. But I’m totally amazed that I managed 7 while reading a book and also a little sickie. Poor Little Princess has come down with a bad case of tonsilitis. Monday she had such a high fever that her little body looked like it was all sunburn she was so sick she couldn’t even crawl, she would get up on all fours and than flop on the floor unable to gather anymore strength. But through all this she has been so cuddly and just been cuddling into me which as an active 1 year old hardly ever happens now. Today she is much better just a bit grisly but oh so ever cuddly still.

I noticed that Carole over at Gingerbread Girl hasn’t posted in a while I hope she does today but if not pop over to raverly and check out all the other great one a dayers.


P.S. I’m not sure if I have said this but I’m having trouble commenting on blogger blogs using my wordpress account and can only comment if the blogger account allows you to use your name and address.

Is anyone else having this problem or is just me I would love to know if any other wordpress users have had this problem and if any blogger users no why this is happening to me.



Filed under knitting

One a Day – Episode 21

As promised I have returned with a One a Day Episode and not only am I posting but I actually made 7 hexipuffs this week. Which I think is a massive accomplishment with the week I have had. But more of that tomorrow.

I am so happy that I managed a week back on track with 7 hexipuffs but I have to say thank goodness I already had one cast onto the needles because it took a lot of will power to pick up those needles again after the huge break I have had. I still love the little hexipuffs, they are cute and squishy and still make me all giddy inside but the knitting part, well the enjoyment of that has taken a downward slide. I want to, want to knit them but I have a bit of hexipuffitis, and who knows how far behind I have fallen on my schedule. I am so scared to look at how much catch up knitting I will need to do.

Oh well here goes

My total hexipuff count is 114

I still need to make 270

And I have 219 days to make it

Arrrggghh NO!!

I have so miss calculated along the way I thought I only had 209 to make no wonder I seemed to still be on track in reality I’m oh so far behind.

So I have 51 hexipuffs to make up. but this week it’s just 7 and a few hexipuffs having an identity crisis and playing at being cupcakes this week.

mmm hexipuff cupcakes yum yum. The perfect photo for the weekend we have had I’ll be back tomorrow with a lot of wonderful photos and some exciting news.

Before I head off to visit all the other lovely one a dayers and catch up reading all their awesome blogs. I just wanted to share my little parcel I sent off to Counrty Fragrance for the Initial Heart Swap over here.

I loved my little hearts I made for our house so much that I made one for my swap partner too. I added some Choccies that are Australian made and owned as I have been being a sneaky little swap partner and visiting my swap friend to find out things about her and knowing that she is on a health kick too I also included some sugar free chocolate as a healthy alternative for valentines day.

I loved this swap it was so much fun and Cheryl has a lot of wonderful swaps so if your like me and you love little surprises in the mail go over and find a swap that takes your fancy.

Ok off to check out my One a day partners in crime.



Filed under Uncategorized

One a day – Episode 20

Well I seem to have broken the promise to myself and only made 6 hexipuffs this week and now this post will have to be flying post too, so I’m apologising in advance. But I am busy packing and cleaning the house as we go on holidays in 2 sleeps. Yep thats right I’m counting sleeps I’m that excited. This will be my first holiday in so long I just can’t wait to have 6 whole days of no cooking, no bed making and no house cleaning just fun times realxing in the sun.

I’m also planning little princess’ 1st birthday and this may have played a part in me being one short this week

Hasn’t pinterest made party planning so much easier you can find everything on there. I’m in love and addicted again.

I also started several new projects this week but I’m not sure on the colours on one. So it is sitting around the house for me to look at, you know catch it out of the corner of my eye, sit next to it and see if the colours grow on me or whether it’s just needs a good old froggin. The other project I started is Nana Squares, I’ve loved these little squares for so long and decided I need more cushions for the couch and one made of mini nana squares is just the thing.

I need 8 of each colour and there is more colours to come. I plan on sewing on a fabric back.  Being a bit lazy this time but also I love crochet cushions with fabric backs, maybe I subconciously think they are prettier because they are easier, hehe.

Well like I said flying visit today off to finish packing have managed to pack B’s, K’s and half of little princess’ into one suit case now for mine and Mr C’s plus toiletries. Wish me luck to fit it all in.

Don’t forget you check out more one a days over here.

Edit – P.S lovely one a day ladies I am having trouble commenting on people’s blogs ever since that reply button popped up I press publish but nothing happens or it just keeps saying the letters I entered are wrong (they are not) any one know what’s going on and how I can fix it.

Edit 2 – I have figured out how to comment on blogs Yeah! But unfortunately I can only comment as Name not from my wordpress account, so ladies if I haven’t commented I visited and all your one  a days look amazing xx



Filed under Crochet, knitting

One a day – Episode 19

Oops a daisy last week I was positive I had been making a hexipuff a day but it turns out I may have lied a little because after the count this week I was very sorry to discover that I had only added 3.5 puffs to my total. Thats 3.5 puffs in 2 weeks not 1. Oh dear that is very terrible I really must get back to making these little puffs of joy. I may have made a dismal amount of puffs for the last 2 weeks but excitement did set in as I was counting and I started to head up in the 90’s and I discovered that I have finally cracked that magic number



I’ve made 101 Hexipuffs

this number makes me so happy

it makes me want to start knitting right now and crack the half way mark

I’m promising myself to knit at least one a day this week

But now for the scary bit am I still on schedule or -as I suspect – have fallen behind . . . far behind

So I still need

209 Hexipuffs

which need to be made in

254 days

I can’t believe I’m on track, I suspect somewhere a long the way I have miscalculated.

With only 3 puffs made this week I have been busy doing  a little crochet for this wonderful blanket. The idea is that we all send our squares to Stocki and she puts the blanket together and then one of the lovely contributors wins the blanket to have in their very own home. 1 square = 1 entry so the more you make the more chances you have of winning and getting a beautiful blanket handcrafted by some amazingly talented ladies from around the world. Now I signed up to join in but I was under no delusions that this blanket would ever make it’s way to my house. I have actually never won anything in my life, it’s not that I think I am unlucky but I definitely don’t have the lucky lottery winners gene. I do however love the idea of a blanket from all over the world in an array of colours going to someones loving crafty home and with this I set about making my squares

I used 4 different patterns and I absolutely loved making these squares. It was a great chance to try out those patterns I had seen around but was not commited to making a whole lot to form anything. Though those Hawiian flowers (bottom left) are so much fun to make I might need to make something with those. I do hope Stocki can join them in as a square. I did however realise that, that one middle far left is going to be pretty hard for her to join oops . . sorry Stocki. The square with the flower is from Rose Hip though I worked a few more rounds of granny around the flower they are super cute and were exactly what I was after. The one far right bottom I had found a long time ago on a blog called Millie makes and the pattern is called ‘something pretty’ doesn’t that just sound devine. It was my first pattern with popcorns and I found it quiet confusing to follow but after a quick you tube video on popcorns I was off and running.

Well I must go make hexipuffs now, want to get to that magic half way mark now, who knows I might just have a blanket pretty soon.

Don’t forget to check out all the other talented one a dayers I’m off to take a look now





Filed under Crochet, knitting

One a day – Episode 16

What a week it has been, we have been so busy with our Christmas prep and finishing all those loose ends at school. B is meeting his new teacher for next year today and finding out who will be in his class for next year. K has been doing orientation to start prep next year and of course little princess has decided that once again sleeping is off the agenda and so crochet and knitting seem to have been put on the back burner, and I do find myself wanting to crochet or knit and being unable to concentrate for more than a few stitches. I have instead at night watched a woeful amount of bad tv while trying to amuse a little princess and trying to fit in a few stitches between her little whinges:)

But amongst this I have managed to start designing my own little . . .

well what do you think this is. Mr C thought I was crocheting a frilly witches hat. And than whilst continuing to read Inheritance which is still taking forever I just couldn’t resist the urge to knit. It seems to have taken over at the moment. I find myself wanting to knit more and more these days I suspect this is due to the fact that I am quite a quick knitter compared to crocheter. I also have so many lovely pregnant friends at the moment who just need little jackets and I just find knitted clothes so much more adorable than crocheted ones. But I do love crocheted toys and blankets over knitted one so I think my love lies in both of these arts knitting just seems to be more at the forefront now. And so while I should be sleeping I start just because I couldn’t resist a completely frivolous and unneeded project

I’m trying my hand at fair isle, just a small project to start I’m knitting up some little baby clothes hanger covers. I thought I would fail miserably at this and spend the time trying to untangle the mess of knotted wool but instead I have not got tangled once and have been zooming up and down the knitted and purl sides counting away and keeping close track of those colour changes. It is working out nicely I think I might make a set of these, though they will be too small for little princess’ clothes  – they are only for 20cm coat hangers, so not sure who these will be for maybe the next one I will add a few more pattern repeats so I can keep them for little princess. I would love to know if that would work if any of you knitters out there know leave me a msg I’d love your wisdom. But before I could start these beautiful coat hangers I had to sort out this terrible mess that had developed in the cupboards of my craft dresser.

But after hours of untangling, unknotting and winding back up I came out with the most delightful basket of gorgeous cosy pretty raveled balls. Though I do have to admit I commited yarn lover sin and some did have to be discarded as it was just not worth saving. It was too knotted and tangled to be savable or and I shudder to remember it was toward the end of hours of sorting and I just couldn’t be bothered saving little amounts. I know I know I’m very naughty and will have to say a lot of ‘I love yarn’ to be forgiven.

And how could I forget and leave it till now to tell you, I finally gave in. I had been holding out, waiting for the dvd but I just couldn’t do it anymore. So yesterday I took myself and little princess off to the movies and we saw Breaking Dawn – Part 1 and I LOVED it. I must admit to being a lover of these books from way back and went to the first Twilight movie maybe more than once, but over the years my love for twilight has dwindled and we parted ways after the movie New Moon and from then decided I would watch them but only ever on dvd, but after many lovely ladies telling me it was great and the one thing that hooked me was Bella changes in this movie. I have wanted to see that for so long. I just couldn’t wait I had to see it, so after a quick re watch of Eclipse my love was reignited and I found myself smiling through the wedding, not wanting to miss a bit of that steamy scene and holding my breath waiting to see what would happen to Bella. I want to see it again already, I just loved it.

But of course that is my week and today is One a Day Tuesday and last week I was still on track but this week I feel I may be falling further and further behind. I just seem to have so many other things to knit and crochet that my one a day seems to be suffering from a case of slight neglect. Not many hexipuffs have been added to the slowly growing number.  And I really have nothing to show this week but as you know I will go to great lengths to give you a hexipuff photo and in the spirit of Christmas I give you


Merry Christmas 🙂

So this week hopefully I will knit some hexipuffs I have my fingers crossed. Finish off some coat hangers and keep going on my ‘frilly witches hat’ and hopefully have some Finished objects to show you.

I’m now off to Karate where I shall knit at least one hexipuff while the boys and punch and kick away.



Filed under Crochet, knitting, Reading, wool

One a day – Episode14/15

So you may have noticed I fell off the one a day wagon last week and did not post, I did think I had made hexipuffs, no where near one a day but at least one


I counted all my hexipuffs already made being 84

and discovered I only had 2 to add so this resulted in a mad search of the house

because I just must of made more than 2 in 2 weeks

I looked under the couch

behind the cupboards

in the baby bag

and discovered



so that means in 2 weeks I made 3 and a 1/2 hexipuffs

well I really have fallen off the wagon

My total is 87.5 hexipuffs

with a total of 306.5 puffs to make

in 314 days

still on track woo hoo!!

Must get back on track though, have really enjoyed picking up the needles and knitting these little squishy hexis of joy.

I also put in the post today 2 hexipuffs for The UK Handmade and Jelly I know I’m in aus but I just love the idea of crafting for charity and find it so hard to resist. I am always over extending myself so I try not to take on too much  but 2 hexipuffs took no time at all and was easy to fit around the many things that seem to be piled on top of the already busy schedule at Christmas time. For instance we took in the teacher gift today and the little presents for all the kiddies in B’s class I will be back to show you tomorrow so so cute.

Well I can’t leave you with out some hexipuff adventures and of course it’s that time of year

so a fitting photo for December

Hexipuff Christmas Tree.

Check out the other one a days over at Carole’s

Sorry to run but I’m eating in to Mr C’s computer time and he is patiently waiting for me to finish

so I must fly

bye bye



Filed under knitting

One a day – Episode 13

All I can say is oops, I have made no hexipuffs at all this week, if you are a follower of mine on Facebook you would have seen I have been knitting a cardigan and it is driving me crazy. I am down to one sleeve left, but hexipuffs have had to be put aside because if I put this cardigan down I may not ever pick it up. So instead this week I’m giving you all flowers to say sorry for the no progress.

Don’t forget to check out all the other one a days over at  Caroles that’s where I’m off to.


Filed under knitting